Have you been avoiding addressing your Pelvic Health Condition?

Have you. been avoiding addressing your Pelvic Health Condition?

Did your Gynecologist recommend that you seek out pelvic health physiotherapy for your pelvic health condition? Perhaps you received a referral to pelvic health physiotherapy months ago and have failed to act. Can I tell you something? You are not alone. Women present to my office all the time with a physician requisition that may be months to years old. They reveal in their confession that they had serious reservations about pelvic health physiotherapy or simply questioned whether it would benefit them.
I am here to squash these myths. Pelvic health physiotherapy is not scary and the benefits may be life changing.

Is it time that you did that thing?

Hit the Play BUTTON to the right to book your appointment today!

Listen….. I get it. The idea of pelvic floor physiotherapy may be a daunting one.

However, scientific evidence now supports the value of pelvic floor physiotherapy for numerous pelvic conditions including bowel and bladder incontinence of various causes, prenatal pelvic floor physiotherapy and birth preparation, postnatal pelvic floor physiotherapy for prevention of bladder incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain due to endometriosis and other conditions.

If your doctor recommended pelvic floor physiotherapy it might be worth it to take the plunge. I understand he may have questions or concerns so I welcome you to book a clarity call. ( 15 min call – free of charge). You are always welcome to contact me via e-mail with any questions.

It's it time you finally did that thing.  I am talking about pelvic physio.

There is a solution to your problem.

hit play to book a pelvic health physiotherapy appointment

Here's What You Need:

are you tired of bladder leaks?

I see individuals of all ages who are experiencing bladder leaks. From children whose urinary system has not developed at the normal rate to adolescents who competed in high level impact sports to post-menopausal women.  I can tell you that in most cases bladder leaks can be resolved with conservative treatment, meaning specialized pelvic health physiotherapy

Are you experiencing Pelvic organ prolapse?

POP occurs when there is loss of integrity of the ligament and muscular structures anchoring the pelvic organs in place.  On of the key anchors of support is the pelvic floor. Strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles can help.

As a pelvic health physiotherapist endometriosis is where my passion lies. Perhaps I find it very rewarding to help these women who have already navigated an uphill battle to attain a diagnosis. I want to educate women with endometriosis that their pain extends far beyond tissue migration outside the uterus. Endometrial tissue lesions alter the biochemistry upper body leading to an abnormal immune system signature that can plague tissue and nerves even after surgical excision. The key to reducing pelvic pain is to learn strategies to dial down the inflammation in the body.
I am currently working on a virtual course to deliver this vital information to women with endometriosis all over the world. In the interim please sign up to my newsletter to receive valuable information.

The endo course


book now

Urinary Incontinence (Bladder Leaks)

Bladder incontinence refers to any situation where fluid leaks from the bladder unintentionally. There are several different types including stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence. Conservative management including pelvic floor physiotherapy is effective for most cases. Conservative management includes pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT), bladder retraining,


Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

POP occurs when there is loss of integrity of the ligament and muscular structures anchoring the pelvic organs in place. I like to use the analogy of an acrobatic silks performer. These performers suspend themselves midair relying on the tension created by twisting up the silk fabric. In the same manner, our pelvic organs are suspended by ligamentous and muscular tissue. When the integrity of this tissue deteriorates something can shift. This can result in Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP). This includes the diagnosis of cystocele, rectocele and vaginal vault prolapse.


As a pelvic health physiotherapist endometriosis is where my passion lies. Perhaps I find it very rewarding to help these women who have already navigated an uphill battle to attain a diagnosis. I want to educate women with endometriosis that their pain extends far beyond tissue migration outside the uterus. Endometrial tissue lesions alter the biochemistry upper body leading to an abnormal immune system signature that can plague tissue and nerves even after surgical excision. The key to reducing pelvic pain is to learn strategies to dial down the inflammation in the body.
I am currently working on a virtual course to deliver this vital information to women with endometriosis all over the world. In the interim please sign up to my newsletter to receive valuable information.

Book Now

Overactive Bladder

Are you fearful to travel too far from a restroom? Do you experience sudden onset urgency that comes on fast and furious that you often do not make it to the toilet to evacuate your bladder?
You may have overactive bladder (OAB).  The hallmark signs of OAB include:
Sudden onset urgency, increased frequency to void bladder (remember that normal voiding frequency is every 3 hours) and nocturia ( awakening in the middle of. the night to void your bladder).  The mainstay of treatment for OAB is urotherapy with pelvic floor muscle training. 





What you can expect
from the endo course.

How does this sound?

learn how to dial down pain amplifiers.

learn how lifestyle interventions such as nutritional interventions can reduce your pain.

Learn about the stress response and how it impacts pain in endometriosis.

Understand the pathophysiology (what is actually going on) to amplify pain signalling in endometriosis.

Sign up for the newsletter to make sure you are notified when the course launches. (Plus receive discounts)


Sign up for the course to be guided through information that will transform your pain experience.


If you require more guidance you can sign up for additional in-person (Toronto) or virtual sessions with me.


How it works

coming soon....

You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

you're in the right place.

My journey to become a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist mirrors that of every other Pelvic Health Physiotherapist that I know.  I encountered symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction after the birth of my first child.  For many women, pregnancy and the birth process predispose them to some type of pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) assumes many shapes and sizes if you will, form urinary incontinence to pelvic organ prolapse (POP) to much, much more.  My own experience was my tipping point to entering the world of pelvic health and I haven't looked back since.
I am here to help you on your pelvic health journey too.

Click the icon to the right to keep up with my Instagram

The ENDO Course

The Endo course is designed to demystify endometriosis

learn how certain lifestyle factors can either dial up or dial down your pain


Learn about the biological mayhem that coincides with endo  in order to better understand your pain

Defining yourself as more than just your diagnosis

Freeing yourself from the burden and bondage of endometriosis

Learning to harness your body's innate potential to heal itself.

Learning how to dial down the drivers of your pain



If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:


Let's do this thing.


I am on a surgical waitlist.   Is this course appropriate for me?

Absolutely! The ENDO Course is appropriate at any phase of your healing journey, pre-surgical or post-surgical.   You will learn how to dial down the inflammatory mediators.  An exacerbated inflammatory response can persist even after endometrial lesions are removed. Reducing inflammation may play an important role in reducing the rate of reoccurrence.

Frequently Asked Questions


We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.
