Help for your child experiencing bladder leaks.

About 10% of seven-year-olds experience bladder leaks at night during sleep and 6% during the day (Gontard et al. 2019).  With standard urotherapy (specialized physiotherapy) 56% of children with daytime bladder leaks become dry within a year!

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There is a solution for your child's bladder leaks.

Urinary incontinence is the medical term that is used to describe the condition when a child experiences bladder leaks after the age of 5 (daytime or nighttime). Intermittent bladder leaks before the age of 5 are not usually of medical concern and can be attributed to normal maturation of the urinary system.

Urinary incontinence can be the elephant in the room for families dealing with this medical problem.  As you can imagine, this medical problem creates an immense amount of stress on the child and greatly affects his/her quality of life.

Daytime bladder leaks affect 7-10% of children between the ages of 5-13. Urinary incontinence is an umbrella term which means it captures a varying array of pathologies.

Due to the variability of causes, the key to successful treatment includes accurate diagnosis. Examples of diagnoses are: overactive bladder, dysfunctional voiding, underactive bladder, voiding postponement, stress incontinence or enuresis (nighttime bladder leaks).

Urotherapy is the first line treatment for all types of daytime urinary incontinence. Urotherapy is bladder re-education and rehabilitation and may include various things from voiding schedules, dietary changes, muscle biofeedback and exercises.

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The elephant in the room.
What is it? Your child's bladder leaks. If you are coping with this issue in your family right now you know how far-reaching the impact is for a child experiencing bladder leaks.  

What we do...

 Along my journey as a Physiotherapist, I became aware of how prevalent childhood voiding disorders are (bedwetting, functional daytime incontinence, encoporesis) and it sparked a passion inside me.

Firstly,  I am a mom and my goal for my own children is to help them experience life to the fullest.  Bowel and bladder leaks can definitely present an obstacle to your child experiencing life to the fullest.  But there are effective treatment strategies,
I can help.

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Our Services

We offer specialized physiotherapy services for your child's incontinence or other bowel and bladder dysfunction.  We work in collaboration with your child's primary healthcare physician.
Attaining an accurate diagnosis is critical.
The precise diagnosis determines the next steps for effective physiotherapy which may include urotherapy, biofeedback, muscle training and movement exercises.

And don't worry.....we make it fun!


How much water does my child really need to drink?

Normal fluid intake is vital for optimal bowel and bladder health.
As an adult, I must confess that I was in the dark about the optimal amount of water to drink in a day.

coming soon

Pediatric Pelvic Physiotherapy

I have undergone specialized training in Pediatric Pelvic Health to assist children with Incontinence (daytime +/- nighttime bladder leaks)  and Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction (BBD). 
The most common diagnoses I work with are: functional daytime urinary incontinence (bladder leaks), bedwetting (enuresis), encoporesis (poop leaks), withholding etc.
 I work directly with children in my office in Toronto, Ontario.

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Ready to get Started?

Let's move towards getting your child dry.

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